Monthly Archives : November 2016

Andrew Garfield stars as ‘Desmond Doss’ in HACKSAW RIDGE. ©Lionsgate. CR: Mark Rogers.

Mel Gibson Returns to the Battlefield with ‘Hacksaw Ridge’

By ANGELA DAWSON Front Row Features HOLLYWOOD—One-time box-office golden boy Mel Gibson has been keeping a low profile for the past few years following a series of embarrassing incidents, including an anti-Semitic rant following a drunken driving arrest. But now…

No Comments / 239 View / November 14, 2016

(Left to Right) Hailee Steinfeld and Hayden Szeto in THE EDGE OF SEVENTEEN. ©STX Productions. CR: Murray Close.

Hailee Steinfeld Gets Awkward in ‘Edge of Seventeen’

By ANGELA DAWSON Front Row Features HOLLYWOOD—Hailee Steinfeld has worked almost non-stop since she made her debut in Joel and Ethan Coens’ 2010 Western “True Grit,” in which she earned an Oscar nomination for her supporting performance. The native Angeleno…

No Comments / 133 View / November 14, 2016