Parman Law Group – The Shining Light In The Loan Modification Meltdown

Parman Law Group – The Shining Light In The Loan Modification Meltdown

by / No Comments / 310 View / July 17, 2009

Entertainment Industry Touched by Mortgage Meltdown. 

As the mortgage loan industry meltdown affects many Americans, people working in the entertainment industry are facing the same situations as the every day Joe out there. 

From photographers to writers, some have given up their luxuries such as boats, vacation homes etc.

However, it doesn’t have to be that way as reputable law firms and modification companies such as Parman Law Group have become the knight in shining armor for anyone needing loan modification help. From Laguna Beach to Malibu, the slowed economy has made some entertainment industry individuals seek a loan modification.

Since, I’m based out in Southern California, I’ve found the Parman Law Group as a firm that has assisted its clients in obtaining their loan modifications. Parman Law Group has taken a step further as they have been assisting homeowners who have been jilted by their previous loan modification company by helping them obtain refunds from their previous loan modification firms.

As California State Attorney Jerry Brown plans to announce this coming Wednesday, July 15, 2009 along with the Federal Trade Commission, efforts to crack down on mortgage-related scams called “Operation Loan Lies,” Parman Law Group has already been assisting homeowners who have requested their help in going after the homeowner’s unscrupulous loan modification firms. Parman has been successful in the last 2 months in obtaining cumulative refunds of approximately $50,000. Parman’s clients have often also obtained the highly-prized modification they sought after in the first place which included reduced monthly payments, interest rates and occasionally even principal reduction. This illustrates how Parman Law Group has been able to give a second chance to the homeowner seeking a loan modification.

Parman Law Group has become the shining light in this otherwise dark cloud of the mortgage industry mess.

If you have property in California, check out Parman Law Group. For more information, visit their website or in Washington check out the following site

For Spanish Speakers out there, check out Parman Law Group’s Spanish speaking clients’ testimonials at

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