Monthly Archives : July 2011


Fans go crazy for Evans and Hudgens at the World Premiere of “Captain America: The First Avenger”

Hollywood Blvd became the center of patriotism as the world premiere of “Captain America: The First Avenger” took over the street with a red and white striped carpet and blue backdrop greeting the talent and guests. Also lining the carpet…

No Comments / 431 View / July 22, 2011


Lovato and Usher check out the HTC Status phone at its launch party

It was a crazy evening last Tuesday  of various celebrity filled events from the big “Captain America: The First Avenger” world premiere to this event dubbed “The HTC Status Social Launch Event” held at the Paramount Studios lot in Hollywood,…

No Comments / 139 View / July 22, 2011


The evolution of Hip Hop International creates a revolution of America’s Best Dance Crew

It was 10 years ago when Howard and Karen Schwartz were producing shows, videos and traveling the world when they noticed that no matter what country they were in, people were either dancing or street dancing.  The husband and wife…

No Comments / 176 View / July 19, 2011


Wang & Bang Bang join others for LA Screening of “Snow Flower”

It was nice warm night on the Fox Studio lot this past Monday, as the studio hosted a special screening of Fox Searchlight’s upcoming film “Snow Flower and The Secret Fan” directed by Wayne Wang. During the intimate red carpet…

No Comments / 109 View / July 14, 2011


Rolx Crew from Zimbabwe raises its flag at Hip Hop International

Hip Hop International has become the ultimate in world dance competitions. One can say that it is the Olympics of hip hop dance attracting dance crews from various countries to compete for the World Championship Division. From oppressed nations to…

No Comments / 143 View / July 13, 2011