BGirl Shorty of Beat Freaks Debuts as Video Host on Pacific Rim Video

BGirl Shorty of Beat Freaks Debuts as Video Host on Pacific Rim Video

by / No Comments / 182 View / August 5, 2009

 With BGirl Shorty of The Beat Freaks setting record of the longest head spin on America’s Best Dance Crew along side Kid Rainen of the Jabbawockeez, 

the hot b-girl shows her interviewing skills as she began guest hosting for Pacific Rim Video. With her energy and excitement, she is able to compliment Pacific Rim’s mainstay interview Angelica Alumia as they both explore the Garage of Season 4’s “Randy Jackson Presents America’s Best Dance Crew.” Her youthfulness brings out the excitement of the new cavalcade of dance crews that have watched her compete during Season 3 of the show. 





Check a few of her interviews for Pacific Rim Video:

BGirl Shorty Interviews Sweet and Sour from New Zealand

Angelica talks to BGirl Shorty About The Beat Freaks Michael Jackson sweater

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