Multimedia Box 2.0

Multimedia Box 2.0

by / No Comments / 101 View / May 15, 2009

Multimedia Box 2.0 is Joomla 1.5.x plugin that plays videos and stream video files from social sites in lightbox javascript effect. You can also show single images or image galleries, inline content, ajax content and web pages. This version of Multimedia Box for Joomla is enhanced with Multibox script from which gives you more video power and sleek new style to catch the eye of your visitors .


Please note that this version is for Joomla 1.5.x only.


New features and fixes:

  • Width and height adjustable for each thumbnail with new width= height= parameters
  • Changed parameters separation from space to ” | ” so you can recognize were the parameter ends (also fixes double space parameter bug fix.2 spaces parameter do not show,space in title bug fix)
  • New parameter caption= to show nice caption for your image gallery
  • New parameter thumb= you can add your own thumbnail images now ( faster site load. big image loads on click only.if not used big image stays in place)
  • New parameter thumbnone=0 to be used for image gallery call from 1 thumbnail only
  • Use Multimedia Box in Joomla 1.5 Modules ( Install MultimediaBox Module ) See Example
  • 12 social sites video streams
  • flv,swf,wmv,mov, movies support
  • Smooth image transition
  • Sexy CSS style


If you are upgrading from Multimedia box 1.0.x , remember to add separator ” | ” between parameters !


Free Youjoomla Templates Club membership required to download.

Vote for this extension on Joomla JED



Code below is to be used in your new items editor. Simply copy and paste. Please note that this is content plugin. For MutimediaBox to work in modules , simply install MultimediaBox Module copy and paste your code there. See Example


( In code examples we must add space before and after brackets {}. Please change it when you start using Multimedia Box)

Video Examples:


To display image as video link use these parameters:




To display simple text video link use :




Videos with images

{mbox:|640|360|title=Halle on Youtube|vthumb=halle1.jpg|height=300|width=160|caption=Play me please :)} {mbox:|640|360|title=Kim on Youtube|vthumb=kim2.jpg|height=300|width=200|caption=Don’t play her! Play me :)}


Videos with links


Social video sites


{mbox:|500|300||txt=Play Flickr Video}

{mbox:|640|290||txt=Play Google Video}

{mbox:|400|350||txt=Play MetaCafe Video}

{mbox:|430|436||txt=Play MySpace Video}

{mbox:|480|392||txt=Play Revver Video}

{mbox:|480|392||txt=Play Seesmic Video}

{mbox:|480|380||txt=Play YouTube Video}

{mbox:|540|438||txt=Play Veoh Video}

{mbox:|437|370||txt=Play Viddler Video}

{mbox:|400|302||txt=Play Vimeo Video}

{mbox:|431|359||txt=Play Video}

{mbox:|640|486|title=www.DailyMotion.tcom|txt=Play DailyMotion Video}


Different video file types :

{mbox:|550|410|title=Flash animation |txt=Play flash animation}

{mbox:|640|360|title=Flash video|txt=Play flash video}

{mbox:|480|270|title=Quicktime|txt=Play Quicktime movie}

{mbox:|480|270|title=WMV|txt=Play WMV file}



Images examples:


Single image example:


{ mbox:component1.gif|width=205|height=110|caption=Video List|title=Video List }


{mbox:component1.gif|width=205|height=110|caption=Video List|title=Video List}

Image gallery example:


{ mbox:component1.gif|width=205|height=110|group=component|caption=Video Manager|title=Video Manager}
{ mbox:addvideo.gif|width=205|caption=Add New Video|height=110|group=component|title=Add New Video }
{ mbox:editvideo.gif|width=205|height=110|group=component|title=Edit Video|caption=Edit Video }

{mbox:component1.gif|width=205|height=110|group=component|caption=Video Manager|title=Video Manager} {mbox:addvideo.gif|width=205|caption=Add New Video|height=110|group=component|title=Add New Video} {mbox:editvideo.gif|width=205|height=110|group=component|title=Edit Video|caption=Edit Video}


Thumb parameter example:


{ mbox:megan1.jpg|width=73|height=50|group=ladies|thumb=megan.gif|title=Megan Fox }
{ mbox:halle1.jpg|width=73|height=50|group=ladies|thumb=halle.gif|title=Halle Berry }
{ mbox:kim2.jpg|width=73|height=50|group=ladies|thumb=kim.gif|title=Kim Kardashian }


{mbox:megan1.jpg|width=73|height=50|group=ladies|thumb=megan.gif|title=Megan Fox} {mbox:halle1.jpg|width=73|height=50|group=ladies|thumb=halle.gif|title=Halle Berry} {mbox:kim2.jpg|width=73|height=50|group=ladies|thumb=kim.gif|title=Kim Kardashian}


Thumbnone parameter example:


{ mbox:megan1.jpg|width=73|height=50|group=ladies2|thumb=megan.gif|title=Megan Fox }
{ mbox:megan2.jpg|group=ladies2|thumbnone=0|title=Megan Fox 2 }
{ mbox:halle1.jpg|group=ladies2|thumbnone=0|title=Halle Berry }


{mbox:megan1.jpg|width=73|height=50|group=ladies2|thumb=megan.gif|title=Megan Fox}
{mbox:megan2.jpg|group=ladies2|thumbnone=0|title=Megan Fox 2}
{mbox:halle1.jpg|group=ladies2|thumbnone=0|title=Halle Berry}


Web content examples:


Inline content example:


{ mbox:#yjmb_mydiv|300|300|title=My hidden div title|txt=Inline Content Link }

Hidden div html. Note! You must use div id prefix yjmb_ when defining Mbox parameter you must use this #yjmb_

<div id=”yjmb_mydiv” style=”display: none”>This is my text and I can say what I want :)</div>

{mbox:#yjmb_mydiv|300|300|title=My hidden div title|txt=Inline Content Link}




iFramed Content example:

{ mbox:link_to_your_page.htm|500|300|title=Ajax Power|txt=This is Ajax Power }

{mbox:ajaxLogin.htm|500|300|title=Ajax Power|txt=This is Ajax Power}


External pages example:


{ mbox:|1005|600|title=Yahoo movie|txt=open Yahoo movies }

{mbox:|1005|600|title=Yahoo movie|txt=open Yahoo movies}


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