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149 Entries

Joomla! Community Portal

Joomla! Community Portal

The Joomla! Community Portal is now online. There, you will find a constant source of information about the activities of contributors powering the Joomla! Project. Learn about Joomla! Events worldwide, and see if there is a Joomla! User Group nearby….

No Comments / 37 View / July 7, 2007

Joomla! Security Strike Team

Joomla! Security Strike Team

The Joomla! Project has assembled a top-notch team of experts to form the new Joomla! Security Strike Team. This new team will solely focus on investigating and resolving security issues. Instead of working in relative secrecy, the JSST will have…

No Comments / 43 View / July 7, 2007

Millions of Smiles

Millions of Smiles

The Joomla! team has millions of good reasons to be smiling about the Joomla! 1.5. In its current incarnation, it’s had millions of downloads, taking it to an unprecedented level of popularity. The new code base is almost an entire…

No Comments / 32 View / July 7, 2007

We are Volunteers

We are Volunteers

The Joomla Core Team and Working Group members are volunteer developers, designers, administrators and managers who have worked together to take Joomla! to new heights in its relatively short life. Joomla! has some wonderfully talented people taking Open Source concepts…

No Comments / 47 View / July 7, 2007

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