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149 Entries

Support and Documentation

Support and Documentation

Support Support for the Joomla! CMS can be found on several places. The best place to start would be the Joomla! Official Documentation Wiki. Here you can help yourself to the information that is regularly published and updated as Joomla!…

No Comments / 26 View / August 9, 2008

Joomla! Features

Joomla! Features

Joomla! features: Completely database driven site engines News, products, or services sections fully editable and manageable Topics sections can be added to by contributing Authors Fully customisable layouts including left, center, and right Menu boxes Browser upload of images to…

No Comments / 17 View / August 8, 2008

My MySQL database does not support UTF-8. Do I have a problem?

My MySQL database does not support UTF-8. Do I have a problem?

No you don’t. Versions of MySQL lower than 4.1 do not have built in UTF-8 support. However, Joomla! 1.5 has made provisions for backward compatibility and is able to use UTF-8 on older databases. Let the installer take care of…

No Comments / 47 View / August 7, 2008

What is the FTP layer for?

What is the FTP layer for?

The FTP Layer allows file operations (such as installing Extensions or updating the main configuration file) without having to make all the folders and files writable. This has been an issue on Linux and other Unix based platforms in respect…

No Comments / 31 View / August 6, 2008

Only one edit window! How do I create “

Only one edit window! How do I create “

This is now implemented by inserting a Read more… tag (the button is located below the editor area) a dotted line appears in the edited text showing the split location for the Read more…. A new Plugin takes care of…

No Comments / 32 View / August 6, 2008