Daily Archives : August 10, 2008

Where did the Installers go?

Where did the Installers go?

The improved Installer can be found under the Extensions Menu. With versions prior to Joomla! 1.5 you needed to select a specific Extension type when you wanted to install it and use the Installer associated with it, with Joomla! 1.5…

No Comments / 17 View / August 10, 2008

Is it possible to change A Menu Item’s Type?

Is it possible to change A Menu Item’s Type?

You indeed can change the Menu Item’s Type to whatever you want, even after they have been created. If, for instance, you want to change the Blog Section of a Menu link, go to the Control Panel->Menus Menu->[menuname]->Menu Item Manager…

No Comments / 30 View / August 10, 2008

Where is the Static Content Item?

Where is the Static Content Item?

In Joomla! versions prior to 1.5 there were separate processes for creating a Static Content Item and normal Content Items. The processes have been combined now and whilst both content types are still around they are renamed as Articles for…

No Comments / 34 View / August 10, 2008

Newsflash 1

Newsflash 1

Joomla! makes it easy to launch a Web site of any kind. Whether you want a brochure site or you are building a large online community, Joomla! allows you to deploy a new site in minutes and add extra functionality…

No Comments / 27 View / August 10, 2008

Newsflash 3

Newsflash 3

With a library of thousands of free Extensions, you can add what you need as your site grows. Don’t wait, look through the Joomla! Extensions library today.

No Comments / 23 View / August 10, 2008